April | Main universe | Furry universe

Character Image
WIP!! this is jojos desc lol!

Furry time!!

Man idk what's canon for her anymore ._.
She was made by a Vokat dude I think?? bc he wanted to killemall and she wasn't setient then umm then long after this she was still looking for magical creatures and killed most of them lixes too
like I'm sorry guys I made this in 2017 T_T
anyway then she suddenly became smart ig and was really confused and thought she has no choice but to be evil


James is a stoic, calm, and collected cyborg from a futuristic universe. He became a cyborg following an accident that killed his friend Sarah, an incident he deeply blames himself for. This tragedy led him to cope through violence, which made him extremely skilled in his profession earning him the reputation of the best agent in his agency.

Over time, James begins to regret his actions and the agency's violent, controlling nature. Determined to change, he seeks out allies to reform the agency and find more innocent individuals to serve as agents. His quest leads him to Bass, whose potential aligns with his vision for a better world, or rather, multiverse. As he changes for the better his hair gets longer and clothes become more casual and light in color.


James is highly responsible and intelligent, though not necessarily book smart. His stoic demeanor and calm disposition make him a natural leader. He serves as a father figure to Bass, who nicknames him "Jojo."

Plot Points

  • Self-Blame and Transformation: The accident that killed Sarah and turned James into a cyborg marks the beginning of his journey. His initial response to cope through violence gradually shifts to a desire for change.
  • Finding Allies: James regrets the agency's nature and seeks out allies to help reform it. Together, they aim to get rid of corruption within their workplace.
  • Mentorship of Bass: James discovers Bass and sees in her the qualities needed to achieve his vision. He becomes a mentor and father figure to her.
  • Multiverse Reformation: Takes charge of the organisation and does everything to make the world a better place lol (quickly gets tired of being the leader tho)


Throughout his journey, James evolves from a guilt-ridden, violence-driven agent to a mentor and leader dedicated to positive change. He really hates who he used to be.

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Inspo: Susie Deltarune, Lake (Mirror Tulip), Venom nruh, Hive (AoS) -- that's like 99% the same character :sob: (jk but its basically what her body works like)
actually she was originally a rip off of one of my friends rp characters